Bundle ****** The best way to create a compressed version of a repository is with a bundle. It will be significantly smaller than a tarball or a zip file. To include all revisions, simply specify the ``null`` base. After release 0.9.5 the switch ``--all`` was added as an alias to ``--base null``, so you can use ``hg bundle --all project.hg`` instead. Links ===== - http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/hg.1.html#bundle - http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/CreateBundleOfAllChanges - http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/BackUp Sample ====== See ``~/bin/backup-mercurial.sh`` Usage ===== To create a bundle containing every change-set in the repository: :: hg bundle --all ~/repo-name.hg To create a new repository containing the contents of the bundle: :: cd ~/empty-folder/ hg init hg unbundle ~/repo-name.hg