TortoiseHG ********** Install ======= Linux ----- Note: Don't think the following worked for me... `TortoiseHg PPA Packagers: Releases`_: Add the following to your system's Software Sources: - If using Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic), add :: ppa:tortoisehg-ppa/releases - If using Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty), add :: deb jaunty main WinMerge ======== `How can I use WinMerge as my visual diff tool?`_ - Edit the Mercurial configuration file in your home folder: :: C:\Users\patrick\Mercurial.ini - Add the following: :: [extdiff] cmd.winmerge = C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe opts.winmerge = /e /x /ub /wl - In the TortoiseHG *commit* window, select *Tools*, *Settings*. - In the *TortoiseHG* tab, select ``winmerge`` as the *Visual Diff Command*. .. _`TortoiseHg PPA Packagers: Releases`: .. _`How can I use WinMerge as my visual diff tool?`: