Usage ***** - :doc:`install` - :doc:`setup` - Usage (this document). Create Repository ================= :: cd project/ hg init Ignore ====== Set-up the files you want ignored... create an ``.hgignore`` file in the root of your repository. Here is a sample file: :: syntax: glob logger.log .checkstyle .classpath .hgignore .project .settings *~ *.Cache *.class *.dll *.exe *.pdb *.pyc *.sln *.suo *.swp *.zip target/ Update the ``.hgignore`` file and run the ``stat`` command until you are happy with the result: :: hg stat Add and Commit ============== When you are happy with the ``.hgignore`` file, add and commit the remaining files: :: hg add Diff ==== :: hg diff Log === :: hg log src\main\java\com\sample\ Clone ===== To make a copy of our project: :: cd .. hg clone project project-copy ...or to clone a repository hosted on a server: :: hg clone http://toybox:8081 project-copy For more information (including use over ssh) see :doc:`commands/clone`... Commands ======== =================== ========================================================== add :doc:`commands/add` cat :doc:`commands/cat` clone :doc:`commands/clone` commit :doc:`commands/commit` copy :doc:`commands/copy` diff :doc:`commands/diff` export :doc:`commands/export` forget :doc:`commands/forget` incoming :doc:`commands/incoming` log :doc:`commands/log` merge :doc:`commands/merge` outgoing :doc:`commands/outgoing` pull :doc:`commands/pull` revert :doc:`commands/revert` =================== ========================================================== Web Interface ============= To browse through your repository: :: hg serve --daemon --port 8081 ...then open http://localhost:8081/ with your browser... To serve multiple repositories, have a look at: - `Setting up a Mercurial repository from SVN for dummies (like me)`_ - `PublishingRepositories`_ Workflow ======== From `Learning Mercurial in Workflows`_: Lone developer with nonlinear history (fix code in an earlier revision). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: hg update 3 hg identify -n (fix the bug) hg commit hg update tip hg merge hg resolve --list hg resolve conflicting_file hg resolve --mark conflicting_file hg commit .. _`Setting up a Mercurial repository from SVN for dummies (like me)`: .. _`PublishingRepositories`: .. _`Learning Mercurial in Workflows`: