log4net - Web Application ************************* Configuration ============= My web application is in: :: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Track\ Web.config ---------- The ``Web.config`` file is in the same folder and contains a section for the logging configuration. :: ../../misc/howto/log4net/Web.config A sample XML configuration can be seen in the :doc:`getting-started`. The ``LogFileAppender`` is configured to log to: :: logs\\log-file.txt The identity of the user running the web application will not have permission to write to the ``logs`` folder. To give the user permission, right click on the ``logs`` folder, select *Properties*, *Security*, select the ``NETWORK SERVICE`` group and tick the *Allow*, *Write* check box. For more information see `Re: logging stops under wwwroot`_. Assembly -------- Setup the assembly configuration in ``AssemblyInfo.cs``: :: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch=true)] Remove ``Watch=true`` is you don't want the log4net system to watch the file for runtime changes. .. _`Re: logging stops under wwwroot`: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/logging-log4net-user/200604.mbox/%3C015301c663d3$eaa18120$6500a8c0@daemon64%3E