NUnit - Getting Started *********************** Download ======== Downloaded ``NUnit-2.4.7-net-2.0.msi`` from Install ======= I installed to: :: C:\tools\NUnit 2.4.7\ Test ==== To test the installation: - *Start*, *Program Files*, *NUnit 2.4.3*, *NUnit GUI (.NET 1.1)*. This will start the NUnit GUI. - *File*, *Open Project*, Open ``bin/NUnitTests.nunit`` from the installation folder. - Click *Run*. The tests should all pass (yellow and green icons). Visual Studio ============= Reference --------- In your project, add a reference to ``bin/nunit.framework.dll``. Note: If you make a copy of ``nunit.framework.dll``, don't forget to copy ``nunit.framework.xml`` as well. Output Type ----------- Set the project up so that it builds as a ``dll``: Right click on the project, select *Properties*, *Common Properties*, *General* set the *Output Type* to ``Class Library``. From the ``.csproj`` file: ::