Issues ****** data types cannot be compared or sorted ======================================= :: select name.default_text as britTripLocationName, from brit_trip_item_location with(nolock) inner join ren_text_key [name] with(nolock) on brit_trip_item_location.name_text_key_id = where brit_trip_item_id=7 order by britTripLocationName I get this error message: :: The text, ntext, and image data types cannot be compared or sorted, except when using IS NULL or LIKE operator. `Group by on the text colum throws error`_ To solve the problem: :: order by convert(varchar(50), name.default_text) EXECUTE permission was denied ============================= General ------- I created a database user in the normal manner, *Database*, *Security*, *Users*, but keep getting this error: :: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'check_submission_type', database 'ugc', schema 'dbo'. To try and solve the problem: :: GRANT EXECUTE ON check_submission_type TO ugc_vote_verification_user Note: This will (obviously) only sort the problem out for a single stored procedure. sp_send_dbmail -------------- `Troubleshooting Database Mail: Permission denied on sp_send_dbmail`_ To send Database mail, users must be a user in the ``msdb`` database and a member of the ``DatabaseMailUserRole`` database role in the ``msdb`` database. - When you create the user, make sure their *User Mapping* includes the ``msdb`` database. - To add ``msdb`` users or groups to this role use SQL Server Management Studio (the ``DatabaseMailUserRole`` will probably be in the list when you select ``msdb``) or execute the following statement for the user or role that needs to send Database Mail: :: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'DatabaseMailUserRole', @membername = ''; "Must declare the scalar variable" in table-valued function =========================================================== `MSDN Forums - "Must declare the scalar variable"`_ My stored procedure was using a table variable... and threw this error. To solve the problem, just use an alias for the table name: :: SELECT loyalty_location.* FROM loyalty_location WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN @TempList tempList ON tempList.location_id = ORDER BY tempList.ordering .. _`Group by on the text colum throws error`: .. _`Troubleshooting Database Mail: Permission denied on sp_send_dbmail`: .. _`MSDN Forums - "Must declare the scalar variable"`: