Code Snippets ************* Links ===== - 5 Useful SQL Server Scripts :: ../../../misc/howto/microsoft/sql-server/blog-tboda-com-5-useful-sql-server-scripts.pdf Copy of blog entry at ``_ (includes database backup, clear all records, distance between points (see below), get table size and clear transaction logs). - `Display Job History`_ Comma Separated - CSV ===================== - `How to pass a list of values or array to SQL Server stored procedure?`_ I have modified this sample, to use the ordering of the list: :: SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROC [dbo].[get_locations_by_id_list] @location_id_list VARCHAR(MAX) AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @TempList TABLE ( ordering INT, location_id INT ) DECLARE @ordering INT DECLARE @locationId VARCHAR(20), @pos INT SET @ordering = 0 SET @location_id_list = LTRIM(RTRIM(@location_id_list)) + ',' SET @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @location_id_list, 1) IF REPLACE(@location_id_list, ',', '') <> '' BEGIN WHILE @pos > 0 BEGIN SET @locationId = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@location_id_list, @pos - 1))) IF @locationId <> '' BEGIN SET @ordering = @ordering + 1 INSERT @TempList (ordering, location_id) VALUES (@ordering, CAST(@locationId AS INT)) END SET @location_id_list = RIGHT(@location_id_list, LEN(@location_id_list) - @pos) SET @pos = CHARINDEX(',', @location_id_list, 1) END END SELECT * FROM @TempList END GO - In this sample, the ``@meta`` parameter is a list of comma separated values. This list is split and added to the temporary table... :: ALTER PROC [dbo].[save_location_meta] @location_id int, @meta nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN -- Create a temporary table to hold meta data items. DECLARE @meta_table TABLE ( brit_trip_item_location_id int, meta varchar(MAX) ) -- The meta data items are in comma separated format... so needs to be split... DECLARE @pos int DECLARE @nextpos int DECLARE @valuelen int DECLARE @result varchar(100) SET @pos = 0 SET @nextpos = 1 WHILE @nextpos > 0 BEGIN SET @nextpos = charindex(',', @meta, @pos + 1) SET @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0 THEN @nextpos ELSE len(@meta) + 1 END - @pos - 1 SET @result = substring(@meta, @pos + 1, @valuelen) SET @pos = @nextpos -- If the meta data item exists, then add it to the temporary table. IF (LEN(LTRIM(RTRIM(@result))) > 0) BEGIN INSERT @meta_table(brit_trip_item_location_id, meta) VALUES(@location_id, LTRIM(RTRIM(@result))) END END -- The individual meta data items are now in the temporary table. Database ======== Table - Last Update ------------------- `Find Last Date Time Updated for Any Table`_ :: SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS DatabaseName, last_user_update,* FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats WHERE database_id = DB_ID( 'my_loyalty') AND OBJECT_ID=OBJECT_ID('loyalty_partner') Except/Intersect ================ `SQL Server - Comparing Tables (Merge, Except, Intersect)`_ To return all rows in ``table1`` that do not match exactly the rows in ``table2``, you can use ``EXCEPT`` ... :: select * from table1 except select * from table2 (likewise to find the opposite just reverse the table names above) To return all rows in ``table1`` that match exactly what is in ``table2``, using ``INTERSECT``... :: select * from table1 intersect select * from table2 Combining the above two... (the following will return the differences) :: select 'table1' as tblName, * from (select * from Table1 except select * from Table2) x union all select 'table2' as tblName, * from (select * from Table2 except select * from Table1 ) x Geo === Distance Between ---------------- (Returns the distance between two points in km): :: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[DistanceBetween] ( @Lat1 as real, @Long1 as real, @Lat2 as real, @Long2 as real) RETURNS real AS BEGIN DECLARE @dLat1InRad as float(53); SET @dLat1InRad = @Lat1 * (PI()/180.0); DECLARE @dLong1InRad as float(53); SET @dLong1InRad = @Long1 * (PI()/180.0); DECLARE @dLat2InRad as float(53); SET @dLat2InRad = @Lat2 * (PI()/180.0); DECLARE @dLong2InRad as float(53); SET @dLong2InRad = @Long2 * (PI()/180.0); DECLARE @dLongitude as float(53); SET @dLongitude = @dLong2InRad - @dLong1InRad; DECLARE @dLatitude as float(53); SET @dLatitude = @dLat2InRad - @dLat1InRad; /* Intermediate result a. */ DECLARE @a as float(53); SET @a = SQUARE (SIN (@dLatitude / 2.0)) + COS (@dLat1InRad) * COS (@dLat2InRad) * SQUARE(SIN (@dLongitude / 2.0)); /* Intermediate result c (great circle distance in Radians). */ DECLARE @c as real; SET @c = 2.0 * ATN2 (SQRT (@a), SQRT (1.0 - @a)); DECLARE @kEarthRadius as real; /* SET kEarthRadius = 3956.0 miles */ SET @kEarthRadius = 6376.5; /* kms */ DECLARE @dDistance as real; SET @dDistance = @kEarthRadius * @c; return (@dDistance); END Jobs ==== See :doc:`../jobs`. NULL ==== To check if a value is ``NULL``: :: IF @code_product_type IS NULL OR @code_product_type = NULL Paging ====== Pass in 0 (zero) for page one: :: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: JS -- Create date: 8th June 2009 -- Description: Returns paginated list of clients. -- page_number starts with 0. -- ============================================= CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[admin_get_clients_paginated] @page_number INT, @records_per_page INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; WITH data AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) as 'rownum', c.* FROM client c WITH(NOLOCK) ) SELECT * FROM data WHERE rownum BETWEEN (@page_number * @records_per_page) + 1 AND ((@page_number * @records_per_page) + @records_per_page) END Note: Good idea to write a stored procedure to return the record count. This can be used to calculate how many pages to expect. Stored Procedure ================ :: From: SL Sent: 06 May 2009 18:17 To: Tech Subject: Comparing SPs in SQL Hello, I though this may be useful. This will compare the code in an SP in the dev and staging database and hopefully tell you the differences ? declare @spname varchar(100) -- Set the SP name here set @spname = 'place_bid' declare @spdev table (spcode varchar(max)) declare @spstg table (spcode varchar(max)) -- Read dev version insert into @spdev exec my_loyalty_dev.dbo.sp_helptext @spname -- Read staging version insert into @spstg exec my_loyalty.dbo.sp_helptext @spname -- Display the differences select * from @spdev d left join @spstg s on d.spcode = s.spcode where s.spcode is null .. _``: .. _`Display Job History`: .. _`How to pass a list of values or array to SQL Server stored procedure?`: .. _`Find Last Date Time Updated for Any Table`: .. _`SQL Server - Comparing Tables (Merge, Except, Intersect)`: