sqlcmd ****** Links ===== - Also see :doc:`osql` - `Interesting Observation - Using sqlcmd From SSMS Query Editor`_ Script ====== If you need to run several SQL scripts you can use the following command: :: for /f %%i in (scripts_to_run.txt) do sqlcmd -S db_server -d db_name -U db_user -P db_password -i %%i 25/02/2009 09:41:37 ------------------- :: From: SL Sent: 25 February 2009 09:36 To: Office Staff Subject: Applying mulitple SQL scripts Hello, If you have several scripts to run on a database from a folder you can use this command: SET LOCAL SET SQLCMD=SQLCMD -Sdbserver -Uusername -Ppassword -ddbname FOR %%d IN (*.sql) DO %SQLCMD% -i%%d ENDLOCAL I probably wouldn't use on a live database without very careful testing - but good setting up a new database on your local machine or dev. .. _`Interesting Observation - Using sqlcmd From SSMS Query Editor`: http://blog.sqlauthority.com/2009/01/06/sql-server-interesting-observation-using-sqlcmd-from-ssms-query-editor/