Visual Studio ************* .. Links .. ===== .. .. Sample wxs file :download:`../../../misc/howto/microsoft/dev/Product.wxs` Install ======= Download and install WiX (:doc:`getting-started`). Re-start Visual Studio and you will be able to create a new *WiX Project*. Items ===== To add new items to the installer project, right click on the project node followed by *Add*, *New Item*. Debug ===== `Performing a logged MSI install to debug WiX errors`_ :: msiexec /i bin\release\installer.msi /l*v Install.log User Interface ============== `Using Built-in WixUI Dialog Sets`_ To add a minimal user interface, - Update the ``wxs`` file: :: - If you are on the command line, add ``-ext WixUIExtension`` to the call to ``light.exe``. - If you have a WIX project in visual studio, add a reference to ``WixUIExtension`` by right clicking on ``References`` in the Solution Explorer. Notes... ======== - Package GUIDs need to be different with each package you create. To make it easier and less likely to forget to issue a new one, we can instruct WiX to autogenerate one by typing an asterisk - but remember, this only applies to package GUIDs: all other GUIDs will need to stay unique and kept recorded for times to come: ::