XPCOM - Getting Started *********************** Links ===== - `Geekout: How to make a C++ XPCOM Component`_ - `Mozilla Platform - XPCOM in C++`_ - `Problem in C++ Xpcom component Interface on firefox 3.0`_ Sample ------ The sample code for this project is in my repository: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/mozilla/xpcom/xpcom-test/ Setup ===== Following the above blog: - Download and install Visual C++ Express Edition. - Download ``xulrunner-`` from http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/ - Extract to a folder. I extracted to: :: C:\src\xulrunner-\ - Download ``wintools.zip`` from http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/source/ - Open ``wintools.zip`` and copy: - ``buildtools/windows/bin/x86/glib-1.2.dll`` - ``buildtools/windows/bin/x86/libIDL-0.6.dll`` ...to the ``sdk/bin/`` folder of your ``xulrunner`` project e.g: :: C:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\bin\ - Download ``xpcom-test.zip`` from http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/ - Extract ``xpcom-test.zip`` into your ``xulrunner`` project folder e.g: :: C:\development\sample\mozilla\xpcom\xpcom-test\ Build ===== - We need to regenerate the ``comp.h`` and ``comp.xpt`` files in the root of the ``xpcom-test`` project: - Change into the ``xpcom-test`` project folder: :: cd C:\development\sample\mozilla\xpcom\xpcom-test\ - Edit the ``xpidl-build.bat`` file and update the ``sdk`` paths: :: C:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\bin\xpidl.exe -m header -IC:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\idl %1 C:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\bin\xpidl.exe -m typelib -IC:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\idl %1 - Regenerate the ``comp.h`` and ``comp.xpt`` files: :: xpidl-build.bat comp.idl - Start Visual C++ Express Edition and open the solution file: :: C:\development\sample\mozilla\xpcom\xpcom-test\test.sln - Edit the project properties changing the location of the header and library files from ``..\gecko-sdk\`` to ``..\\sdk\``. :: C:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\include C:\src\xulrunner-\sdk\lib - Build the project. The build will create a ``dll`` file: :: C:\development\sample\mozilla\xpcom\xpcom-test\Debug\test.dll Deploy ====== Note: You might need to open a command prompt with Administrator permissions before performing the next few steps. - Create a Firefox development profile, :doc:`dev-profile`... - Create a folder inside your Firefox profile for your component. I created the ``component__xpcom-test`` folder: :: C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\h33vgw96.dev-xpcom-test\component__xpcom-test\ - Copy the ``comp.xpt`` and ``Debug/test.dll`` files to your component folder: :: cd c:\development\sample\mozilla\xpcom\xpcom-test\ copy comp.xpt C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\h33vgw96.dev-xpcom-test\component__xpcom-test\ copy Debug\test.dll C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\h33vgw96.dev-xpcom-test\component__xpcom-test\ - To register the component, run ``regxpcom``: :: cd C:\src\xulrunner-\bin\ ..\sdk\bin\regxpcom.exe -x "C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\h33vgw96.dev-xpcom-test\component__xpcom-test\" **Note**: It is important to run ``regxpcom.exe** from the ``bin`` folder (not ``sdk/bin``) because the command needs some of the ``dll`` files in the ``bin`` folder. Test ==== - Re-start Firefox: :: "%ProgramFiles%\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -P dev-xpcom-test - Download this test page: http://wanderingstan.com/files/xpcom/xpcom-test.html. A copy of this page is in the root of the sample project: `xpcom-test.html`_ Note: Copy this page to your workstation before opening it. If you don't, Firefox will throw an exception: :: ``Error: A script from "http://toybox" was denied UniversalXPConnect privileges``. `This page from forums.mozillazine.org might be helpful...`_ - Load the test page in Firefox and click the test button. With any luck, you'll see that 3+4=7. You can now start modifying the component. Be sure to go back and read the pages from `Alex Sirota`_ and `Mark Finkle`_ for more details. .. _`Geekout: How to make a C++ XPCOM Component`: http://wanderingstan.com/2007-11-16/geekout_how_to_make_a_c_xpcom_component .. _`Mozilla Platform - XPCOM in C++`: http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/2006/10/mozilla-platform-xpcom-in-c/ .. _`Problem in C++ Xpcom component Interface on firefox 3.0`: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1096635 .. _`xpcom-test.html`: http://toybox/hg/sample/file/tip/mozilla/xpcom/xpcom-test/xpcom-test.html .. _`This page from forums.mozillazine.org might be helpful...`: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=991425&p=5225365 .. _`Alex Sirota`: http://www.iosart.com/firefox/xpcom/ .. _`Mark Finkle`: http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/2006/10/mozilla-platform-xpcom-in-c/