Data Definition *************** .. highlight:: sql Alter Table =========== Column - Add ------------ - `ALTER TABLE Syntax`_ :: ALTER TABLE thread ADD archived BOOL NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN status CHAR(5) DEFAULT NULL AFTER archived; ALTER TABLE thread ADD COLUMN pk INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE FIRST; Note: If you need to specify the column name in quotes, then enclose in the back-tick (not the normal single quote) e.g: :: ALTER TABLE order ADD COLUMN `currency_id` INTEGER NOT NULL; Column - Change --------------- To rename a column (this example also adds a couple of columns): :: ALTER TABLE village ADD COLUMN area DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN volume DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, CHANGE COLUMN width old_width DOUBLE NOT NULL **Note**: Don't forget the ``,`` comma between each ``ADD``, ``DROP`` and ``CHANGE``. Column - Drop ------------- :: ALTER TABLE address DROP COLUMN mobile; .. _`ALTER TABLE Syntax`: Index ----- :: ALTER TABLE village DROP PRIMARY KEY; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_name_age ON village (name, age); View ==== Columns ------- :: SHOW COLUMNS FROM address; Create Table ============ :: CREATE TABLE fruit ( pk INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, age VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL, description VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (pk), UNIQUE KEY idx_name_age (name, age), UNIQUE KEY idx_name (name), KEY idx_age_description (age, description) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 Copy the structure of an existing table: :: CREATE TABLE backup_recipes LIKE recipes Fields ====== :: isBlue BOOLEAN DEFAULT False