Data Manipulation ***************** .. highlight:: sql Delete ====== From `Is there a way to delete the most recent entry in MySQL?`_ To delete records using the ``LIMIT`` statement, you need a ``DATETIME`` column which saved the current time during the ``INSERT INTO`` query. Then you can use the ``ORDER BY`` and ``LIMIT`` keywords to delete the last entry in your table. :: DELETE FROM my_table ORDER BY date_column DESC LIMIT 1 Insert ====== :: INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9); Update ====== :: SET @myId = 'ABC'; UPDATE items SET status = ( SELECT status FROM old_items WHERE id = @myId ORDER BY timeStamp DESC LIMIT 1 ) WHERE id = @myId; Update with ``JOIN`` :: UPDATE village JOIN county ON village.county_id = SET village.temp_officer = county.officer WHERE = 'Devon' .. _`Is there a way to delete the most recent entry in MySQL?`: