PHP - Install (Apache 2) ************************ Test ==== http://localhost/test.php Linux ===== Windows ======= Download the PHP ZIP file, ```` from **Note**: - Don't download the installer... - Make sure you download the ``VC6`` version of the files *if using PHP with Apache* Extract the archive. I extracted to:: e:\php\ In the ``php`` folder, rename ``php.ini-production`` to ``php.ini``. Configuration ============= In the ``php.ini`` file, set the ``timezone``:: [Date] ; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions ; date.timezone = 'Europe/London' In Apache ``httpd.conf``, add the following (adjust path if you need to):: LoadModule php5_module "e:/php/php5apache2.dll" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php # configure the path to php.ini PHPIniDir "e:/php" **Note**: For Apache 2.2, you will need ``php5apache2_2.dll`` rather than ``php5apache2.dll``. The `WordPress Apache notes`_ contain some useful bits and pieces... Test ==== Create an Apache directory in ``httpd.conf``:: Alias /interblog "E:/interblog" AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all **Note**: - For Apache 2.2 remove the ``Order`` and ``Allow`` directives. - The ``Alias`` directive requires the ```` module: :: LoadModule alias_module modules/ - Create a ``test.php`` file containing the following: :: PHP Test Page

PHP Test Page

- Browse to the file (will be a URL like http://localhost/interblog/test.php): .. _`WordPress Apache notes`: ../wordpress/apache.html