Configuration ************* **Note**: Use minimal configuration files as discussed in Initialise ========== .. warning:: Probably not a good idea to change the default location. Use :doc:`tablespace` instead!! If you change the location of the ``data_directory``, you will need to initialise the folder. To do this, I ran the following command: :: sudo -i -u postgres /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/initdb --locale=en_UK.UTF-8 --encoding=UNICODE -d /mnt/cbsvolume/postgresql/9.1/main/ Database ======== From `Ubuntu, Community Documentation, PostgreSQL`_ To start off, we need to change the PostgreSQL ``postgres`` user password; we will not be able to access the server otherwise. As the ``postgres`` Linux user, we will execute the ``psql`` command: :: sudo -u postgres psql postgres Set a password for the "postgres" database role using the command: :: \password postgres For test purposes, I use the password ``postgres``... Log out of ``psql``: :: \q Log into the default database (using the default ``postgres`` user): :: sudo -u postgres psql ...or try: :: psql postgres postgres ...or try: :: su - postgres psql Create a user :: SELECT * FROM pg_user; CREATE USER patrick WITH PASSWORD 'password' CREATEDB; (To delete a user, ``DROP USER patrick;``) Note: By default in Ubuntu, PostgreSQL is configured to use ``ident sameuser`` authentication for any connections from the same machine. Essentially this means that if your Ubuntu username is ``foo`` and you add ``foo`` as a PostgreSQL user then you can connect to the database without requiring a password. Create a database (setting the user we just created as the owner): :: CREATE DATABASE mynewdb OWNER patrick; Log out of ``psql``: :: \q Log into the new database with the new user: :: psql mynewdb patrick For more information on the psql commands, click here... :doc:`psql`. .. _`Ubuntu, Community Documentation, PostgreSQL`: