libpqxx ******* **Note**: 25/10/2007 I have updated these notes... but I cannot get ``libpqxx`` working with Visual Studio 2005... Links ===== Download ======== Download ``libpqxx-2.6.9.tar.gz`` from I extracted to: :: C:\src\libpqxx-2.6.9\ Download ``postgresql-8.2.3.tar.gz`` from I extracted to: :: C:\src\postgresql-8.2.3\ Windows ======= Note: It is *recommended practice is to build libpqxx as a static library, not a DLL*. Build PostgreSQL Win32 Interface -------------------------------- Start the *Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt* and change into the PostgreSQL ``src`` folder: :: cd C:\src\postgresql-8.2.3\src\ nmake /f win32.mak nmake /f win32.mak DEBUG=1 This should build the ``libpq`` interface. You can check this by looking in the folder: :: C:\src\postgresql-8.2.3\src\interfaces\libpq\Release Build libpqxx ------------- From the ``libpqxx-2.6.9`` folder: Copy ``win32/common-sample`` to ``win32/common``, and edit the latter to reflect the paths to your PostgreSQL includes and library files e.g. :: PGSQLSRC="C:\src\postgresql-8.2.3\src" Copy: :: config\sample-headers\compiler\VisualC++.NET-2003\config-internal-compiler.h config\sample-headers\compiler\VisualC++.NET-2003\config-public-compiler.h config\sample-headers\libpq\8.1\config-internal-libpq.h To: :: include\pqxx\ Start the *Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt* and change into the ``libpqxx-2.6.9`` folder. **Note:** - Make sure a ``lib`` folder exists, if not create it. - A Visual C++ bug specifies an incorrect namespace for ``disable_noticer``. To workaround, edit ``include/pqxx/connection_base.hxx``. Just after the body of the ``disable_noticer`` you'll see two lines: :: namespace internal { The workaround is to add a ``typedef`` direct below that curly brace: :: namespace internal { typedef pqxx::disable_noticer disable_noticer; To build the project, run: :: nmake /f win32/vc-libpqxx.mak ALL Project - Visual Studio ======================= - Add ``libpqxx.lib`` to *Configuration Properties*, *Linker*, *Input*, *Additional Dependencies*. - Add ``\\src\\libpqxx-2.6.9\\lib`` to *Configuration Properties*, *Linker*, *General*, *Additional Library Directories*. Issues ====== Struct Member Alignment ----------------------- This is caused by the Visual C++, *Configuration Properties*, *C/C++*, *Code Generation*, *Struct Member Alignment* being set to 1 byte. Setting it back to default solves the issue. I guess this is because ``libpqxx`` is not compiled with structure alignment set to 1 byte. If your project must be compiled using the ``/Zp1`` option (Struct Member Alignment 1 Byte) then modify the make file - ``libpqxx.mak`` - add ``/Zp1`` to each ``CPP_EXTRAS`` line e.g. :: CPP_EXTRAS=/MT /Zp1 /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "NDEBUG" CPP_EXTRAS=/MTd /Zp1 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "_DEBUG" /GZ CPP_EXTRAS=/MT /Zp1 /D "_LIB" /D "NDEBUG" CPP_EXTRAS=/MTd /Zp1 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "_LIB" /D "_DEBUG" /GZ __imp__select ------------- *the problem is fixed just by linking in ws2_32.lib as you suggested*... :: LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__select@20 referenced in function __catch$?check_result@connection_base@pqxx@@AAEXABVresult@2@@Z$0 From the ``.vcproj`` project file: :: AdditionalDependencies="... ws2_32.lib" invalid or corrupt file ----------------------- :: Error 16 fatal error LNK1107: invalid or corrupt file: cannot read at 0x290 c:\src\libpqxx-2.6.9\lib\libpqxx.dll 1 I resolved this issue by linking to ``libpqxx.lib`` rather than ``libpqxx.dll``.