Documentation ************* Sample ====== In this sample, we will create a simple *introduction* document: - After creating the initial project - see :doc:`getting-started`. - Create a new ``rst`` file for the *introduction* document in the ``source`` folder e.g: :: source\intro.rst - The document must include a title. Here is some sample text (not very impressive, because I don't know much yet): :: ==================== MyApp - Introduction ==================== This is a paragraph. It's quite short. This paragraph will result in an indented block of text, typically used for quoting other text. This is another one. - Add the document to the table of contents in the ``index.rst`` file: :: Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 intro Note: - Don't put the ``rst`` extension into the ``toctree``. - If you want to hide some documents and stop Sphinx warning about missing documents: :: .. toctree:: :hidden: doc_to_hide doc_to_hide_two - Build the source: :: sphinx-build source html - Browse to the ``html/index.html`` document. You should see the *introduction* document in the *Contents*.