Module Documentation ******************** .. highlight:: bash Links ===== - `sphinx.ext.autodoc`_, Include documentation from docstrings - `Documenting python - Additional Markup Constructs`_ - `Info field lists`_, (also see `The Epytext Markup Language`_). - The `template module illustrating the usage of docstring`_ to create nice and useful documentation of your code. - Some interesting comments in this discussion: In Sphinx, is there a way to `document parameters along with declaring them`_. To add module documentation =========================== Edit ``source/``, uncomment the ``#sys.path.insert`` section to read: .. code-block:: python import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../')) Add the following extensions: .. code-block:: python extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.viewcode'] Some sample source code to get you started: .. code-block:: rst :mod:`simple_booking_engine` -- Simple Booking Engine ***************************************************** Module ====== .. automodule:: simple_booking_engine.model Functions ========= .. autofunction:: simple_booking_engine.model.create_booking Class ===== .. autoclass:: simple_booking_engine.model.Booking :members: :undoc-members: .. _`document parameters along with declaring them`: .. _`Documenting python - Additional Markup Constructs`: .. _`Info field lists`: .. _`sphinx.ext.autodoc`: .. _`template module illustrating the usage of docstring`: .. _`The Epytext Markup Language`: