PDF *** Single Page =========== http://rst2pdf.ralsina.com.ar/:: rst2pdf source/info/cv.rst -o cv.pdf To control page breaks:: .. raw:: pdf PageBreak To set a footer:: .. footer:: Page ###Page### of ###Total### Complete Documentation ====================== Linux ----- Install Latex, :doc:`../../../linux/latex` Generate the PDF document:: make latexpdf Open the document:: evince build/latex/MyProjectName.pdf Windows ------- To generate a PDF document from a standard Sphinx project, we need to start by producing ``latex`` output:: make latex To convert the latex documentation into PDF format: Download the *basic MiKTeX system*, ``basic-miktex-2.8.3557.exe``, from http://www.miktex.org/. I installed to:: C:\tools\MiKTeX 2.8\ Run *TeXworks* by clicking *Start*, *All Programs*, *MiKTeX 2.8*, *TeXworks*:: "C:\tools\MiKTeX 2.8\miktex\bin\miktex-texworks.exe" To generate the PDF file, *TeXworks*, *File*, *Open* and open the ``tex`` file generated in the first step. Click the *Play* (*Typeset*) button on the toolbar and your PDF file will be created in the same folder as your ``tex`` file. *PDF - Command Line* Before using the command line tools, you will need to generate a PDF using the GUI (as in the previous section). This will download required dependencies. Add the MiKTeX tools to your ``PATH``. For an example batch file, see tex.bat_. To generate the ``pdf`` file, change into the folder containing your ``tex`` file and run the ``pdflatex`` command passing the ``tex`` file as the first parameter. The ``pdf`` file will be generated in the current folder e.g:: cd doc\latex\ pdflatex myApp.tex Customise ========= Latex ----- Page break:: .. raw:: latex \newpage The latex ``documentclass`` files can be found as follows:: cdsitepackages cd sphinx vim ./texinputs/sphinxmanual.cls vim ./texinputs/sphinxhowto.cls Note: I have no idea what to do with these files, but it might be useful to know where they are. Issues ====== File not found -------------- :: ! LaTeX Error: File `manual.cls' not found. To solve this problem, run the ``pdflatex`` command from the folder containing your ``tex`` file. .. _tex.bat: http://toybox/hg/core/file/tip/batch/set-path/tex.bat