Database ******** PostgreSQL ========== Install PostgreSQL - :doc:`../../../postgresql/install` Configure PostgreSQL - :doc:`../../../postgresql/configuration` :: psql postgres postgres CREATE USER trac WITH PASSWORD 'admin' CREATEDB; CREATE DATABASE my_test_trac OWNER trac; Install psycopg - :doc:`../../database/postgresql` To test the driver: :: import psycopg2 dsn = 'dbname=my_test_trac user=trac password=admin' conn = psycopg2.connect(dsn) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('select * from pg_user') cursor.fetchall() print data Note: If you are connecting through TCP/IP, then you might need to use a DSN like this: :: dsn = 'host=localhost dbname=my_test_trac user=trac password=admin' SQLite to PostgreSQL ==================== `SQLite to PostgreSQL Script`_ Download ```` from The Wiki says *this script works with 0.11... at least it did for me*. Extract the ``sqlite2pg`` python script. Make sure it will run: :: python \src\sqlitetopgscript\0.10\sqlite2pg --help python \src\sqlitetopgscript\0.10\sqlite2pg --version Run the script: :: python \src\sqlitetopgscript\0.10\sqlite2pg --pg_uri="postgres://trac:admin@localhost/my_test_trac" --tracenv="C:/repository/trac/my-test-trac" --sqlite_uri="sqlite:C:/repository/trac/my-test-trac/db/trac.db" **Note**: The ``help`` suggests using single quotes for the command line parameters - but you need to use double quotes! Update the ``trac.ini`` configuration file: :: database = postgres://trac:admin@localhost/my_test_trac `Database Connection Strings`_ .. _`SQLite to PostgreSQL Script`: .. _`Database Connection Strings`: