Getting Started *************** Links ===== - - `A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout`_. - `Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Developing Django apps with zc.buildout`_. Getting Started =============== Configuration ------------- `Creating a buildout defaults file`_: Create a ``~/.buildout/default.cfg`` file with the following contents: :: [buildout] eggs-directory = /home/patrick/.buildout/eggs download-cache = /home/patrick/.buildout/downloads extends-cache = /home/patrick/.buildout/extends Note: - You will need to create these folders!!! - ``eggs-directory``: allows multiple buildouts to share the same eggs. - ``download-cache``: shared directory for downloaded archives. - ``extends-cache``: shared directory for extended buildout configurations. To specify a particular python interpreter other than the default: :: executable = /opt/python24/bin/python Setup ----- - Create a folder (and optionally a :doc:`../virtualenv/virtualenv` for your project. - Change into your project folder e.g: :: cd sample-django-buildout/ - Download the ```` script: :: wget*checkout*/zc.buildout/trunk/bootstrap/ - Create a basic ``buildout.cfg`` in the root of your project folder: :: [buildout] parts = - Bootstrap the environment (this only has to be done once): :: python Note: - If you run ```` with python 2.4 (or 2.5 for example), then your buildout configuration will continue to use this version of python e.g: :: python2.4 - The ```` script will create a ``buildout`` script in the ``bin`` folder. - I had to update my version of ``setuptools``... Usage ===== - Update/download/create the ``buildout.cfg`` file e.g: :: [buildout] parts = PIL django [django] recipe = djangorecipe version = 1.1 eggs = psycopg2 markdown PIL [PIL] recipe = zc.recipe.egg egg = PIL==1.1.6 find-links = Note: The ``buildout.cfg`` file is added to version control (probably some other bits as well). - Run the ``buildout`` script to setup the environment: :: bin/buildout .. _`A Django Development Environment with zc.buildout`: .. _`Jacob Kaplan-Moss, Developing Django apps with zc.buildout`: .. _`Creating a buildout defaults file`: