py.test - PyCon UK 2008 *********************** Links ===== - `The py.test tool and library`_ Notes ===== - Automatically collects and executes tests. - Install :: easy_install -U py - Not inherited from a test class. - To create a temporary directory. :: datadir = py.test.ensuretemp("folder-name") Updates environment so we can easily ``cd`` into this folder. - Just use a simple ``assert`` to check the condition: :: pkg = datadir.ensure('pkg'), dir=1) pkg.ensure("") assert pkg.pypkpath() == pkg - To run the tests: :: py.test py.test --showlocals - To only run a test if it is running in Windows: :: disabled = py.std.sys.platform != 'win32' - Generative (Parametized) tests (creating three tests with yield): :: def check(x): assert x >= 0 def test_gen(): for x in 1,2,3: yield check, x - ``stdout/stderr`` is captured per test. - ``-l`` or ``--showlocals`` - ``--pdb`` directly debug. - ``-k``, select test be keyword. - ``-v``, verbose output. - ``-test-name`` everything that is not this test - ``-x`` or ``exitfirst``, exist on first failure. - ``--looponfailing``, only re-run failing test parts. - ``setup_class(cls)`` and ``setup_method(self, method)``, to set-up for the class and for the method (also ``setup_module``). Can get the class name (``cls.__name__``) and the method name, ``method.__name__``. Can set attributes on the class and method objects. Could use the set-up module method for deploying or for creating expensive resources. - Skip tests: :: if sys.platform != "win32": py.test.skip("win32 required") You can also place such calls in setup functions. - Can add project level attributes such as ``--runslowtests``. - ``doctests``, is getting better... ``py.test`` automatically collects ``test_doc.txt`` files: Will automatically run ``doctests``. - ``easy_install``, will get a slightly older version. - Customise: - Modify test collection process - Add command line options. - register to reporting files (version 1.0) - write ```` files. - for debugging: :: py.test --collectonly - Directory.. collect files in a folder... and loads of other things... - Place ```` file in a directory. - Plugins: - Generate an html file, showing the failures (plugin I think). - Can run JavaScript tests using Spider Monkey. - Can run cross platform tests. - Can run standard ``unittest`` methods. .. _`The py.test tool and library`: