Microsoft - SQL Server ********************** Links ===== - :doc:`../../django/database/sql-server` Driver ====== Probably best to go for I am using this driver because it is recommended by SQLAlchemy_ and used in the Django SQL Server driver. Install ======= **Note**: To install in a virtual environment, see *Issues*, ``virtualenv`` below... - Download ``pyodbc`` (``pyodbc-2.1.2.win32-py2.5.exe``) from - Install ``pyodbc`` (Run as administrator). Usage ===== Parameters ---------- :: first_name = '%%%s%%' % first_name last_name = '%%%s%%' % last_name sql = ''' SELECT TOP 10 * FROM crm_user WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE first_name LIKE ? AND last_name LIKE ? ''' data = db.fetchall(sql, (first_name, last_name,)) Note: This example also shows how to escape the ``%`` character. The standard parameter placeholder is the ``?`` character. Issues ====== ``virtualenv`` -------------- I had lots of problems installing into a virtual environment. I couldn't use ``easy_install`` or ``pip`` because I needed Microsoft Visual Studio 2003. The Windows installer will only install into the default environment. In the end, the solution I found was to install ``pyodbc`` into my default environment, then create the virtual environment **without** the ``--no-site-packages`` option. .. _`Django - Database - SQL Server`: ../../django/database-sql-server.html .. _SQLAlchemy: