linux ***** Debian ====== - `debian python2.6 as default?`_ If alternatives are already set up: :: update-alternatives --config python ...then choose from the list that's presented. If they're not set up, then do this: - If there is a symlink already set up, save it: :: sudo mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/pythonSAVE - Create the alternatives :: sudo update-alternatives --install python2.4 python /usr/bin/python2.4 10 sudo update-alternatives --install python2.5 python /usr/bin/python2.5 20 sudo update-alternatives --install python2.6 python /usr/bin/python2.6 30 Note: The option with the highest value for the last parameter will be the default. - Create a new symlink :: sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/python /usr/bin/python - Choose the one you want to use: :: sudo update-alternatives --config python Script ====== To create a nice python script in linux: - Create a folder for the scripts: :: mkdir ~/bin/ - Add the bin folder to the ``PATH`` (see :doc:`../linux/bash/environment-variables`). - At the top of the script: :: #!/usr/bin/env python - Make the script executable: :: chmod +x - Should be able to run the script by just typing it's name e.g. ````. Note: This doesn't seem to work very well if you are using a virtual environment. .. _`debian python2.6 as default?`: