Dictionary ********** `HOWTO: Sort a Python Dictionary/Map`_ :: import time work = {} # # create some sample data... # for i in range(10): key = "unit_%s" % i unitOfWork = { "id" : key, "data" : { "name" : "Turansky", "dob" : "03/28", "favoriteNumber" : int(time.time()) + i } } work[key] = unitOfWork print "The 'work' dictionary will print the objects randomly..." for i in work: print work[i] print "" print "Sprinkle some sorting magic..." # but you want to sort the objects by favoriteNumber' # get your values as a list... you want to use the list.sort() method units = work.values() # provide a lambda function that references your data structure units.sort(key = lambda obj:obj["data"]["favoriteNumber"]) print "" print "... and just like that, you have order." for u in units: print u .. _`HOWTO: Sort a Python Dictionary/Map`: http://blog.markturansky.com/archives/130