nose **** Links ===== - - nose extends unittest to make testing easier. Install ======= :: pip install nose Usage ===== To run all the unit tests in this folder (and below): :: nosetests To run all the tests in a single module: :: nosetests To run a single test: :: nosetests mdx_medialinks_test:MediaLinksTest.test_basic_usage Note: In this example: ========================= ======================================================= ``mdx_medialinks_test`` Name of the module i.e. ```` ``MediaLinksTest`` Class name. ``test_basic_usage`` Test name. ========================= ======================================================= Django ------ If using the Django nose plugin: :: test crm.tests.test_invoicing Configuration ============= Output ------ ``nosetests`` will only display ``stdout`` for tests which fail. To stop this behaviour: :: nosetests --nocapture Stop ---- To stop after the first failed test: :: nosetests -x Coverage ======== :doc:`coverage`: :: pip install coverage nosetests --nocapture -x --with-coverage --cover-package=modulename Note: In the example above, ``modulename`` is the name of the module. If you don't set this option, then you will get a coverage report for everything in the ``site-packages`` folder. Exclude ======= To exclude a folder (or list of folders) from the tests, use the nose-exclude_ plugin (which I think is installed by default): Create a text file listing the folders to be excluded e.g. I create a file called ``nose-exclude.txt``, here are some sample contents: :: pk/db/sql/ test/integration/install/config/ test/integration/pk/solr/ Run the normal ``nosetests`` command, passing in the name of the file: :: nosetests --exclude-dir-file=nose-exclude.txt Issues ====== ``PYTHONPATH`` -------------- Check your ``PYTHONPATH`` very carefully. I am pretty sure the current folder will not necessarily get included on the path. Tests will not run. ------------------- If your test won't run, make sure you have ```` files at each level of the module structure. .. _nose-exclude: