Issues ****** .. highlight:: bash ``schema_integrity_check_failed`` ================================= :: =INFO REPORT==== 2-May-2016::17:13:24 === Error description: {could_not_start,rabbit, {{schema_integrity_check_failed, [{table_attributes_mismatch,rabbit_user, [username,password_hash,tags], [username,password_hash,tags,hashing_algorithm]}]}, {rabbit,start,[normal,[]]}}} .. warning:: this solution will destroy all your durable exchanges and queues, and all your persisted messages! If the database schema has changed, it will fail, citing ``schema_integrity_check_failed``. To correct this, delete your ``mnesia`` directory (on most platforms):: /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia and restart the server:: sudo service rabbitmq-server start sudo rabbitmqctl status