Install ******* `Solr is an open source enterprise search server`_ based on the Lucene Java search library. Download ======== Download ```` from Prerequisites ============= Install Tomcat 7 (the only essential app is probably ``tomcat7``):: sudo apt-get install tomcat7 tomcat7-admin tomcat7-common tomcat7-user Create users (if you want to use the Tomcat admin):: sudo vim /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml Install ======= `Solr with Apache Tomcat`_: Extract the archive:: cd ~/repo/temp/ unzip ~/Downloads/solr/ cd solr-4.3.0/ Copy ``solr-4.3.0.war`` to a folder:: mkdir -p ~/repo/solr/war/ cp dist/solr-4.3.0.war ~/repo/solr/war/ Note: For Tomcat 5.5 and later, the war file must be stored outside of the ``webapps`` directory for this to work. Otherwise, the ``Context`` element is ignored. Copy the example files, from the extracted archive to the repository folder:: cp -r example/multicore ~/repo/solr/ rm -r ~/repo/solr/example/example-DIH rm -r ~/repo/solr/example/exampledocs rm -r ~/repo/solr/example/solr-webapp Change permissions:: sudo chgrp -R tomcat7 /home/patrick/repo/solr sudo chmod -R 775 /home/patrick/repo/solr Copy the logging files to Tomcat:: sudo cp example/lib/ext/* /var/lib/tomcat7/shared/ sudo cp example/resources/ /var/lib/tomcat7/shared/ For information, the folder looks like this (after SOLR has been successfully started): .. :: .. toybox:~# ls -l /home/repository/solr/default/ .. total 8 .. drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 adm 4096 2008-04-06 22:17 conf .. drwxr-xr-x 3 tomcat55 nogroup 4096 2008-04-06 22:18 data .. Set the location of the Lucene indexes, by editing ``dataDir`` in .. ``conf/solrconfig.xml``: .. :: .. \\\\\\msa1\\System\\search\\solr\\data .. **Note**: If you want the index files to be created in SOLR home, then remove .. the ``dataDir`` attribute... Create a context file:: sudo vim /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml :: Note: - We are using JNDI to configure SOLR... - If Tomcat cannot find the ``war`` file for any reason, it will delete the context file... (for a little bit more information see `Tomcat WebApplication Context File`_). - I had several issues... so take a look at :doc:`issues` to see how I solved them. Test ==== http://localhost:8080/solr/ and http://localhost:8080/solr/admin/ .. _`Solr is an open source enterprise search server`: .. _`Solr with Apache Tomcat`: .. _`Tomcat WebApplication Context File`: