Learning ******** Basics of Search and Relevancy with Apache Solr (Webinar 02/12/2009) ==================================================================== - Firefox superior for XML: - Right click on toolbar, select *Customise...*, *Add New Toolbar*, drag address control to new toolbar. - Copy and paste better on IE and Safari. - Solr *Command Line*: - ``debugQuery=true``. - ``tf`` term frequency. - ``idf`` how common is this word across all documents. - To view the explain output in a slightly easier to read format, add ``&wt=xslt&tr=example.xsl`` to the query and view in IE or Safari. - ``wt`` (what type), XML, CSV, JSON. - ``qt=dismax``... searches multiple fields.... great for freshness and popularity. *dis*-joint text (multiple fields) - *max*-imum match (score). Must set-up ``schema.xml`` and ``solrconfig.xml``. Make sure you understand the ``mm`` field!! Numeric functions, boost on recent dates and popularity. Check out the ``ord``, ``rord``, ``recip`` functions. ``bf`` = boost function... http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FunctionQuery Have a look in ``solrconfig.xml``. - Very common words e.g. the company name, will score very low (because SOLR assumes they are not very relevant.