Properties ********** Links ===== Set === To set a property on the current folder: :: svn propset my_age 43 . Edit ---- To use the editor to set the ``copyright`` property on the ``button.c`` file: :: svn propedit copyright calc/button.c File ---- To set a property to the contents of a file: :: svn propset license -F /path/to/LICENSE calc/button.c List ==== To list the properties: :: svn proplist -v Delete ====== To delete the ``my_age`` property on the current folder: :: svn propdel my_age . Special Properties ================== Ignore ------ To set the ``svn:ignore`` property on the current folder: :: svn propedit svn:ignore . In the editor, add the list of files you want to ignore. If you want to see the ignored files: :: svn status --no-ignore