Utility ******* svn Folders =========== Linux ----- `Recursively delete .svn folders`_ From the Linux shell (or cygwin): :: find . -type d -name '.svn' -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rdf Also see `Recursively delete .svn directories`_ P.B. says to use this command: :: find . -name ".svn" | xargs rm -R Windows ------- `Powershell vs Command Prompt on Deleting SVN Directories`_ - Powershell :: Get-ChildItem -Recurse -force |where {$_.PSIsContainer -AND $_.Name -match "svn"} | foreach ($_) {remove-item -force -recurse $_.fullname} - Command Prompt :: for /r YOURPATH %f in (.svn) do rd /s /q %f - Tortoise `unversion a working copy`_ .. _`Recursively delete .svn folders`: http://www.broobles.com/blog/posts/36 .. _`Recursively delete .svn directories`: http://www.anyexample.com/linux_bsd/bash/recursively_delete__svn_directories.xml .. _`Powershell vs Command Prompt on Deleting SVN Directories`: http://geekcowboy.com/archive/2007/01/06/powershell-vs-command-prompt-on-deleting-svn-directories.aspx .. _`unversion a working copy`: http://tortoisesvn.net/node/343