Config ****** Default ======= The configuration is set in the ``~/.vimrc`` file. On Windows: :: C:\Program Files\Vim\_vimrc My standard configurations: - `_vimrc version 1`_ - `_vimrc version 2`_ - `_vimrc version 3`_ Working on Debian Linux with no GUI. (copied from `dotfiles-ciaranm`_) Note: On Linux, change the ``backupdir`` to ``~/temp/backup-vim/``. Alternative ----------- To use a different ``.vimrc`` file: :: gvim -u test_vimrc Line Numbers ============ :: set number Line Length =========== From `How to use Vim's textwidth like a pro`_ by Edward Z. Yang: Add the following to ``~/.vimrc`` to highlight lines which are longer than 80 characters: :: augroup vimrc_autocmds autocmd BufRead * highlight OverLength ctermbg=darkgrey guibg=#592929 autocmd BufRead * match OverLength /\%80v.*/ augroup END Ruler ===== To display line and column numbers: :: set ruler Version ======= :: :version .. _`_vimrc version 1`: ../../misc/howto/vim/_vimrc.v1.txt .. _`_vimrc version 2`: ../../misc/howto/vim/_vimrc.v2.txt .. _`_vimrc version 3`: ../../misc/howto/vim/_vimrc.v3.txt .. _`dotfiles-ciaranm`: .. _`How to use Vim's textwidth like a pro`: