ctags - Windows *************** Install ======= - Download <<>> from {{http://ctags.sourceforge.net/}}. - Extract ``ctags.exe`` to: :: C:\tools\on-path\ **Note**: Make sure this folder is added to your Windows system path. Usage ===== python ------ To build tags for the python libraries (in this example, the python library and a project I am working on): :: del c:\repository\vim\python.ctags ctags -f c:\repository\vim\python.ctags --language-force=Python -R c:\tools\Python25 ctags -f c:\repository\vim\python-trac-email2trac.ctags --language-force=Python -R t:\core\development\python\trac\email2trac Note: To get ``ctags`` to work on Windows, I had to: - Use ``--language-force=Python`` - Use a full path to the python folder (including the drive letter). vim Configuration ================= To add the tags to ``vim``, edit the ``_vimrc`` file and add the following (for the two python example files above): :: set tags+=c:/repository/vim/python.ctags set tags+=c:/repository/vim/python-trac-email2trac.ctags