Pathogen ******** **I have started using instead of Pathogen** Links ===== - `The Modern Vim Config with Pathogen`_ - `Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen`_ - `What's the best add-on manager?`_, probably worth checking out Install ======= - Move your old ``~/.vimrc`` file out of the way. - Move your old ``~/.vim`` folder out of the way. - Create the following folder: :: mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload - Change into the folder and download ``pathogen.vim``: :: cd ~/.vim/autoload/ wget --no-check-certificate - Add the following to the top of your ``~/.vimrc`` file: :: " the pathogen plug-in must be the first in this file: call pathogen#helptags() call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() Configuration ============= - Create a folder for plug-in bundles: :: mkdir ~/.vim/bundle/ Plugin ====== To install a plug-in: - Locate your plug-in and check out the source code into the ``bundle`` folder: :: cd ~/.vim/bundle/ git clone git:// .. _`Synchronizing plugins with git submodules and pathogen`: .. _`The Modern Vim Config with Pathogen`: .. _`What's the best add-on manager?`: