

  • Install the Android SDK, Install - SDK

  • Download the maven-android-sdk-deployer from

    Note: Might be better to clone the Git repository at git://

  • Extract to a convenient folder. I extracted to:

  • Edit the pom.xml file, changing the android.sdk.path property to the path of the Android SDK. I changed:



  • If the team is using Nexus, then edit the repo.url in the pom.xml file. I changed:



  • Edit your Maven settings.xml file and add authentication details for a Nexus admin user:

  • To deploy the Android artifacts to your Nexus repository, change into the root of your maven-android-sdk-deployer and deploy:

    cd \src\mosabua-maven-android-sdk-deployer-821e1c4
    mvn deploy


    • If you get a Properties file not found… error, check out the Issues section below…

    • If you get errors about missing files, then check out this ticket: Issue 1.

Project Configuration

  • Create your Android project.

  • Download this sample pom.xml file and copy to the root of your project.

    • Remove the entire <parent> tag.

    • Change <groupId>, <artifactId> and <name> to your own.

    • Rename, and move the source directory to where Maven expects it:

      mv src java
      mkdir -p src/main
      mv java src/main/

      …or if you don’t want to change the directory structure, just add the sourceDirectory (and testSourceDirectory``*) to your ``pom.xml file:

    • If your application uses the Google maps add-on, then add the following dependency:



To build the project:

mvn install


Properties file not found

When running mvn deploy for the maven-android-sdk-deployer, I got the following error:

Properties file not found: C:\tools\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-1.1\

I got this error because I didn’t install all Available Packages, Install - SDK, in the Android SDK and AVD Manager.

To solve the issue, select and install all available packages before running mvn deploy again…