Weird Errors

cannot find main (or something)

23/01/2006 15:44

Could not find any main methods in the whole application.

Solved by starting Eclipse using the “-vm” parameter and using the same VM as was being used by Maven.

See Install for more information on the “-vm” parameter.

import somepackage cannot be resolved

I’ve come across the error message:

import somepackage cannot be resolved

loads of times - I’m sure that we all have.

It usually means that you are missing a JAR file from your project’s build path. But I’m getting it under strange circumstances this time…

Solution: I faced the same problem and got it resolved by clicking on the clean option in the project menu. I’m using Eclipse 3.1.0

The type List is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments Employee

The IDE is probably using a version of Java before 1.5. Check the Java Build path (Project, Properties Java Build Path), it probably contains a reference to the J2SE 1.4.2 libraries.

Unable to get class information for @throws tag

Solved by switching CheckStyle on for the project. It had been switched on but probably got switched off by the Maven eclipse goal.

This is the actual error message:

Got an exception - java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to get class information for @throws tag 'LuceneAppException'

Workspace in use or cannot be created

  • Make sure you do not have any Eclipse and Eclipse VM running. If so, exit from them or kill their processes.

    My Eclipse ran out of memory. I ended the process of Eclipse and a JVM in the task manager and could open the workspace.

  • If you are sure that there is NO Eclipse and Eclipse VM running, you can attempt to delete the .lock file:

<your workspace>/.metadata/.lock