

The script below will not install gitlab-ci-multi-runner on Elementary OS. I am installing onto a cloud server running Ubuntu 14.04.

Migrate from GitHub

Adapted from How do I import an existing git project into GitLab?

e.g. to move to

Create a new (empty) repository in GitLab:

  • Log into using our company login details.

  • Click on New Project.

  • In the Project path section select the kb group. Select the correct Visibility Level and click Create Project e.g.

By default GitLab does not allow developers to push to the master branch. To unprotect the master branch:

  • Use the GitLab web UI to create a temporary file in the empty repository e.g. REMOVEME.rst.

  • Navigate to the project, select Settings, Repository, scroll down to Protected Branches and unprotect the master branch.

In a temporary directory:

git clone --mirror
cd contact.git
git remote add gitlab
git push gitlab --mirror

Now if you have a locally cloned repository that you want to keep using with the new remote, run the following commands there:

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
git fetch --all

If you try a git pull on the folder with the new repository, and you get the following error:

There is no tracking information for the current branch


I don’t really understand what the origin/master is, so use this with care. For more information, see: git pull: no tracking information for the current branch

Then, you can fix it (if you are on the master branch) using the following command:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master

Rename the GitHub repository to stop it from being used e.g. contact to old-contact-migrated-to-gitlab