

Checkout using cygwin (look at to see the module names:

mkdir chiba
cd chiba
cvs login
cvs -z3 co -P chiba-web
cvs -z3 co -P chiba-sandbox


(I think chiba core is the sandbox part of the build. The install-from-local-core command creates the chiba-1.2.0.jar file).

cd chiba-sandbox\
ant build

cd ..\chiba-web\
ant install-from-local-core


See email below:

erase C:\src\chiba\chiba-web\src\org\chiba\adapter\servlet\
ant build

To create the WAR file:

ant distribute

The war file can be found in:


For now - you will need to copy all “xsl” files from:



C:\tools\Tomcat 5.5\

See email…

From: Joern Turner <>
To: Patrick Kimber <>
Date: 07-Nov-2005 15:31
Subject: Re: [Chiba-developer] Code in CVS will not compile.

> Patrick Kimber wrote:
> Hi
> Can you please tell me the status of the code in the CVS repository?
> I checked out Chiba to "C:\src\chiba\" and ran the following commands
> (which run without errors until the last command)::
> cd C:\src\chiba\chiba-sandbox\
> ant build
> cd C:\src\chiba\chiba-web\
> ant install-from-local-core
> ant build
> I get a compile error:
>     [javac] C:\src\chiba\chiba-web\src\org\chiba\adapter\servlet\
> cannot resolve symbol
>     [javac] symbol  : method getChibaBean ()
>     [javac] location: class org.chiba.adapter.servlet.ServletAdapter
>     [javac]         if (adapter == null || adapter.getChibaBean() == null) {
>     [javac]                                       ^
> Looking at the code for ServletAdapter, the getChibaBean method has
> been commented out.  The revision is dated 11th August.
> I have checked the mailing lists and cannot see any reference to the
> above issue.

we're currently reworking parts of the core and in chiba-web. During
this it might give some compilation problems which will vanish as soon
as both modules have been released again. Cause this will be in very
near future i hope this doesn't pose too much problems for you.

If you really need to work with it now and you can't wait a couple of
weeks, it might help to simply remove ShowAttachmentServlet. We'll
remove this class anyway with high eventuality. But be warned, there
might be other still unsolved issues.

But chiba-web in its current form should work with the older core that
is distributed with the binaries.
