

  • Install JBoss IDE plugin for Eclipse, Eclipse.

  • Install TestNG plugin for Eclipse, Eclipse.

  • Install ANT 1.6.

Getting Started

  • Add your JBoss installation to the JBoss Server View in Eclipse. Edit the launch configuration, Run, Debug…, Generic Server, JBOSS 4.0, Arguments, update the VM arguments to include:

    -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512
  • Start a command prompt in the directory where you unzipped the Seam distribution and run setup:

    cd C:\src\jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA\
    seam setup

    In this example we will ask seam-gen to create an application in:


    For any questions where I have not suggested a response, accept the default by pressing enter:

  • Enter your Java project workspace:

  • Enter your JBoss home directory:

  • Enter the project name:

  • Enter the Java package name for your session beans:


The settings are stored in seam-gen/, but you can also modify them simply by running seam setup a second time.

Create a Project

Now we can create a new project in our Eclipse workspace directory, by typing:

cd C:\src\jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA\
seam new-project

Import the project into Eclipse… (this will deploy the project into JBoss AS):

Run the application by opening http://localhost:8080/my-first-seam-project/ in your browser.

You can edit this page, or the template, in Eclipse, and see the results immediately, by clicking refresh in your browser.

Create an Action

cd C:\src\jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA\
seam new-action

Seam will prompt for some information, and generate a new facelets page and Seam component for your project:

  • Enter the Seam component name:


To re-start the application in Eclipse, right click on build.xml, Run As, Ant Build…, tick restart, un-tick deploy, append restart to the Name and click Run

Run the action by opening http://localhost:8080/my-first-seam-project/ping.seam.

You can see the code behind this action by looking in the project src directory (you might need to refresh the project first).

…put a breakpoint in the ping() method in the PingBean class, and click the button again (you might need to attach the source code).

…*doesn’t seem to work for me*… but, locate the PingTest.xml file in the test package and run the integration tests using the TestNG plugin.

Create an Entity

seam-gen will also create an edit and list page:

cd C:\src\jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA\
seam new-entity

Creating a Form with an Action

cd C:\src\jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA\
seam new-form
  • Enter the Seam component name:


Follow the instructions in the previous section to re-start the application and run the form by opening http://localhost:8080/my-first-seam-project/hello.seam.


PermGen space

com.sun.facelets.FaceletException: PermGen space
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

For the solution see the Getting Started notes above…