Build Application


Copy catalina-ant.jar to lib directory of your Ant installation:

cp /opt/tomcat5/server/lib/catalina-ant.jar /usr/share/ant-core/lib/

Had to change permissions on Tomcat to allow me to compile apps:

chmod o+rx /opt/tomcat5/

Set-up the application. For a simple example see:


I had so many problems getting the servlet working. The issue was with the web.xml file. See the following web page for some hints:

To build the application:


To build the whole application:

ant all

To install the application on the local Tomcat server (check

ant install

To remove the application from the local Tomcat server:

ant remove

To start using new servlets:

ant reload

Issue the command:

ant dist

To create a distributable web application archive (WAR) file, as well as a JAR file containing the corresponding source code.

Package the contents of the dist directory using the tar or zip utility, according to the standard release procedures used by your organization.