

To attach an event handler to all rows (even elements which haven’t yet been created), use the live (as in die) method:

jQuery('table tr').live('click', function () {

Note: In this snippet, we call the selectRow function when the user clicks on a table row.

Row Count

From jQuery - count number of rows in a table:

var rowCount = $('#my_table tr').length;

Row Number

Get the row number of a row element

function getRowNumber(rowElement) {
    return rowElement.prevAll('tr').size() + 1;

Get row number X from a table

function getTableRow(tableElement, rowNumber) {
    return jQuery(tableElement).find("tr:nth-child(" + rowNumber + ")")

Row Select

var element = jQuery("#my_table tr:nth-child(3)");


Get the table element from the row element:

function getTableFromRow(rowElement) {
    return rowElement.parent('table');