
Only AF_INET sockets are currently supported on jython

Had the following issue when using urllib/urllib2:

AssertionError: Only AF_INET sockets are currently supported on jython

Running the same code in python, also throws an error, but this time much more helpful:

urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error (10061, 'Connection refused')>

Turns out the service wasn’t running!


pip doesn’t work on jython when PIP_USE_MIRRORS is set to true in the environment e.g:

export PIP_USE_MIRRORS=true

get_mirrors in uses socket.gethostbyname_ex which doesn’t appear to be available in jython 2.5.2…

Strange behaviour with zxJDBC with Jython 2.5b0

Strange behaviour with zxJDBC with Jython 2.5b0

zxJDBC.DatabaseError: driver [net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver] not found

To solve the problem, try running jython with “--verify” option:

jython.bat --verify