Stored Procedure


To create a MySQL stored procedure using Liquibase, the sample script, misc/sample-stored-procedure-script.sql has to be cut down so that it only creates the stored procedure e.g: misc/sample-stored-procedure-liquibase.sql.

To run this from within LiquiBase:

<changeSet id="45" author="pat">


The sample stored procedure misc/sample-stored-procedure-script.sql is a script which creates a procedure, runs it and then removes it. Some things to note:

  • We have to change the delimiter to something other than ; so that MySQL is still happy to use ; within the stored procedure. In this sample we are using $$. It is common to see examples using // instead.

    Note: Don’t forget to return the delimiter to it’s default at the end of the script i.e:

  • To display output, use the SELECT statement. See the commented out line number 42.

  • To call the stored procedure:

    CALL curdemo