Test - python


Follow Getting Started to install and start the RabbitMQ server…

Install the python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Procotol (AMQP):

easy_install amqplib

Copy the following script to a test folder:



Note: Sample 1 is really good as we can see all the code, it is well commented and the article explains everything very clearly…

Sample 1

Rabbits and warrens.

Follow Getting Started to start the RabbitMQ server…

Download amqp_consumer.py.

Start the message consumer:


Download amqp_publisher.py.

Send test messages to the consumer:

amqp_publisher.py "Hello..."

Sample 2

Slighty complicated sample, but probably worth a look… particularly if you want to send a message to all clients…

Basic open-set intermediated peer-to-peer messaging with RabbitMQ:

Follow Getting Started to start the RabbitMQ server…

Download all.py to a folder.

Open the first (of two) python shells:

import all

Open the second python shell:

import all

To send a message to all clients, type the following from one of the shells:

all.notify_others("Hello, world! (Agent 1)")