


Note: The automatic state lookup code depends on jQuery. Use FireBug to check it is being loaded before investigating other issues…


In the contact update form, templates/contact/update_form.html, the country fields will be hidden in two cases:

  • If the Store Configuration, Only sell to in-country customers? is ticked (the configuration can be edited in the admin interface here: admin/shop/config/).

  • If the shop only has a single country.

The code for these options can be found in this module: satchmo_store/contact/

if shop.in_country_only:
    init_data['country'] = shop.sales_country
    countries = shop.countries()
    if countries and countries.count() == 1:
        init_data['country'] = countries[0]


In the contact update form, templates/contact/update_form.html, the state field will be hidden unless you tick State required? in Site settings, Satchmo Shop Settings. (The URL for this setting is settings/).

The template code which makes this decision is satchmo_store/contact/templates/contact/_state_js.html:

{% if shop.options.SHOP.ENFORCE_STATE.value %}