

SettingNotSet instance has no attribute ‘args’

Check the exception traceback; if you can see CacheNotRespondingError then this error is probably caused by errors reading from the cache. To solve the problem, start the memcached service.

str object has no attribute resolve in resolve, line 218
'str' object has no attribute 'resolve'
# Also (at a later date), the following error message:
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'handler500'

This blog entry was helpful, Django: AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘resolve’

…but, the problem turned out to be with my ROOT_URLCONF where I had a list:

ROOT_URLCONF = ['django_satchmo_site_shop.urls']

…where it should have been a simple string i.e:

ROOT_URLCONF = 'django_satchmo_site_shop.urls'

Values instance has no attribute ‘default_reference_context’

Problem with restructuredtext in markup module.

After installing docutils (pip install docutils), had the following exception:

Values instance has no attribute 'default_reference_context'

To solve the problem, comment out:

docutils.parsers.rst.roles.DEFAULT_INTERPRETED_ROLE = 'cmsreference'




Error: No module named

I was running the following command from within a virtual environment:

# django-admin shell --settings=settings_test
Error: No module named messages

Turns out I was using the django-admin from:


…when I should have been using django-admin from the virtual environment. To diagnose this, run the following:

which django-admin
which python
find / -name

To solve the problem, I ran the following (from within my virtual environment):

python /path/to/my/virtual/env/bin/  shell --settings=settings_test


When running tests, I had the following error:

App with label item_request could not be found

Turns out my PYTHONPATH setting didn’t include the current folder. To solve the problem, add the current folder to the PYTHONPATH e.g:

PYTHONPATH=.:../my_other_app; export PYTHONPATH


Note: If using add2virtualenv make sure to add the current folder before other folders i.e: edit virtualenv_path_extensions.pth and make sure the current folder is first in the list:

add2virtualenv .
vim virtualenv_path_extensions.pth


I also had the same error message after installing Debug Toolbar. To solve the issue, just remove the toolbar!


Error: That port is already in use.

Open up the process viewer (on Ubuntu, System Monitor), and kill the python processes.

ps faux | grep runserver


django is very slow on my machine

runserver using localhost on Windows can be very slow. To solve this issue, remove the following line from your hosts file:

# ::1             localhost

On Vista, the file can be found here:


Note: I don’t know what this line is for, so it could be bad to remove it. For more information see Windows hosts file


Kept getting a TemplateDoesNotExist exception, when the exception reported File exists:

TemplateDoesNotExist at /wiki/edit/NewArticle/

Django tried loading these templates, in this order:

Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source:
/srv/django/mycompany/templates/wiki/edit-markitup.html (File exists)

… this was a file permissions issue. I changed the permissions as follows and the problem is solved:

chown apache:apache templates/wiki/*
chmod 664 templates/wiki/*

Template Tags

The template tag couldn’t be loaded… I checked the following:

  • The application was included in INSTALLED_APPS in

  • I could import the class using the shell:

    python shell
    > from django.templatetags import el_markdown

To solve the problem, I had to set the correct permissions on the templatetags folder:

chown apache:apache mywiki/templatetags
chmod 775 mywiki/templatetags
chmod g+s mywiki/templatetags