Getting Started

Admin - Look and Feel

Using Django admin look and feel in my own application

  • Make a copy of base_site.html or extend the built in version:

    {% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}

    Note: This will not work unless admin is enabled on your application. Try adding django.contrib.admin to INSTALLED_APPS:

  • Put your content into the block content:

    {% block content %}
        <p>No tickets are available.</p>
    {% endblock %}


Create a folder in your application directory e.g. for the cake application:

mkdir cake/templates/cake/

Put your templates into this folder. Here is a sample render_to_response which renders the cake/templates/cake/home.html template:

return render_to_response(


  • I think this configuration uses django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader so there is no need to set TEMPLATE_DIRS.

  • You might need to re-start the server before it can find the template.

  • If the server cannot find the template, then make sure you have included the

    application in the file.