

Automatically loading initial data fixtures

From Automatically loading initial data fixtures, If you create a fixture named initial_data.json, that fixture will be loaded every time you run syncdb. This is extremely convenient, but be careful: remember that the data will be refreshed every time you run syncdb. So don’t use initial_data.json for data you’ll want to edit.


Note: Probably best to use Natural keys (I will update the notes when I have time).

To create a fixture (assuming you have data in your database):

Copy the output of the following command to a temporary file: dumpdata product --indent 4 > ~/temp/temp.json dumpdata --indent=4 --natural --format=yaml product dumpdata --indent=4 --natural --format=yaml auth


  • product is the name of the application. For users, the application is auth.

  • --indent will pretty print the JSON (with 4 character indents).

  • --traceback will give useful error messages allowing you to diagnose Error: Unable to serialize database.

Create a fixtures folder inside your application:

mkdir product/fixtures/

Note: No need to create an file inside this folder.

Copy the temporary file to the fixtures folder, checking the contents and giving it a nice name e.g. product.json.

In your test class, add the file-name to the list of fixtures e.g:

class SimpleTest(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['product.json',]

    def test_...


  • Make sure you have included the application which contains the fixture file in your file.

  • Make sure to declare the fixtures attribute before any test_ functions.

  • If the fixture file doesn’t exist… then the test will continue without complaining… To solve the problem, create the fixture file.

  • Make sure you are using django.test import TestCase… as some of the other Django test classes do not work with fixtures.