

mvn assembly:assembly


Add the following to your pom.xml:



  • The assembly descriptor is located in src/main/assembly/ which is the standard location for assembly descriptors.

  • I am specifying version 2.1 as 2.2-beta-1 adds the artifact folder to the root of the zip file.

    For more information see JIRA Issue - MASSEMBLY-179

    18/07/2007 08:54 Looks like this issue might be fixed in the latest snapshot of the plugin.


If you want this to run every time you run a install goal. Add the executions section to your pom.xml file:


23/07/2007 09:08 One of our projects is using the attached goal. This might deploy the assembly to the remote repository. See assembly:attached.

Output Directory

To control the output directory add the following to the configuration section in pom.xml:


Assembly Descriptor

The file:


defines your assembly. An example file:


JIRA, MASSEMBLY-179 Assembled jar includes artifact names in path:

dependency sets with unpack == true no longer use <outputFileNameMapping/> at all.



If you prefer, you can specify the files to include rather than files to exclude. Replace the excludes section with the following:



To exclude a jar file and it’s dependencies, add the provided scope to the dependency in pom.xml:


Executable JAR File

An executable jar file can be build by adding this configuration to the pom.xml file:


The mainClass should be modified as required.


In a multi module build, the assembly will fail to build from the root folder with this message:

No assembly descriptors found.

To solve this problem, I added the execution section as above, so the assembly automatically builds during the install phase. Other people have the same issue, Assembly one of the modules, but I didn’t exactly follow their solution.


To exclude the objectstest folder from the assembly:



To produce a zip file:


Multi Module

Multiple Assemblies

Make sure to specify the version of the plugin in the parent pom:


…we don’t want to risk mixing the versions of the plugin.

Project Modules Only

To only assemble jar files from this project add the projectModulesOnly tag (I don’t know if this works):
