

To create a simple site: (site.xml, apt folder and index.apt):

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.sample -DartifactId=sample-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-site-simple

A more complete version of a site (fml, fr, xdoc), can be created using maven-archetype-site:

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.sample -DartifactId=sample-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-site


To insert a site within an existing project, the following appears to work:

mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-site-simple

You may like to add the project name and a skin to the generated site.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="sample-project-name">
      <item name="Maven" href=""/>

    <menu name="Documentation">
      <!--<item name="Xdoc Example" href="xdoc.html"/>-->
    <menu ref="reports"/>


To add links to FAQ items, use the anchor tag e.g.

<faq id = "NEWS">
    Where can I find the national news?
    Have a look at the
    <a href="">BBC News Web Site</a>

Issue Management and Continuous Integration

Add the following to your pom.xml file:


Multi Module

Notes on creating multi-module sites, mvn-plugin-site-multi-module.


  • NCSS - Report Plugin, mvn-plugin-ncss.

  • PMD - Report Plugin, mvn-plugin-pmd.

There are many plugins which generate reports for the site. Here are the ones I use:


Note: I have updated some report definitions in the multi-module sample, Review the changes in:



Don’t forget to add the maven-site-plugin to pom.xml:


…and a reports element to the site.xml file:


  <menu ref="reports"/>

Note An entry on the mailing list (25/04/2007 13:34) says the old

reports tag is obsolete:



You can run:

mvn -o project-info-reports:dependencies

to generate the dependency report in target/site/dependencies.html.

How do I generate the sites without the reports?

In the reporting section of your pom.xml, put an empty reportSets element in the maven-project-info-reports-plugin plugin like:



site:run. Start the site up, rendering documents as requested for fast editing.

To run the site:

mvn site:run


To generate the site:

mvn site

View the site on http://localhost:8080/.


How do I change the default skin for my site?

To see the available skins look on:

Add this to your site.xml:


You may need to update your site plugin (mvn -U site:site), since the 2.0 version was just recently released.


Note: Hudson makes site generation nice and simple. For details, see Hudson - Maven Site, hudson/maven-site.

To deploy the site to a server:

Add the following to pom.xml:


In this example I want to deploy to the server at into the folder:


Note: This can also be done using the following url (if the user has permission to write to the folder):


…for Windows, you probably need to use this weird format:


(For more information

You then need to specify the user and password for connecting to the site.

In your settings.xml file:




C:\Documents and Settings\your-username\.m2\settings.xml

add a server section for the server you defined above (in this example myserver):


To build and then deploy the site to the server:

mvn site site:deploy

Issue: The system is asking me to re-type the password.


Guide to the Snippet Macro