Install - Standalone jar


To get a jar file which can be copied to other computers and used to run jython applications:

  • Download the installer (as normal).

  • Start the installer:

    java -jar ~/Downloads/jython/jython-installer-2.5.3.jar
  • On the Installation type page, select “Standalone (a callable .jar file)”.

    Continue with the installation as normal…

  • The installation will put a single jython.jar file into the selected folder.


The jython.jar file can be copied and used with a simple java command line:

  • If your script requires 3rd party jar files, then run using a batch file like this:

    SET CLASSPATH=jtds-1.2.jar
    java -cp "jython.jar;%CLASSPATH%" org.python.util.jython
  • If your script doesn’t require any third party jar files, then it can be run like this:

    java -jar jython.jar